Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Kasich Victory in Ohio! What were they thinking!?

This evening's projected Kasich victory in Ohio is more than unbelievable; it stands as a testament to the continued disintegration of what was once a Jeffersonian democracy.
Irrespective of one's party affiliation--whether one is Democrat or Republican--it is near impossible to ignore the systemic damage a Kasich Governorship has wreaked upon the state of Ohio. Consequently, logic stands defied when Ohio voters use their collective electoral support to further the political ambitions of a Republican who boldly stands against the very cornerstone of a free society--a free and public education. The state's public school system has been left for dead in the wake of Republican corporate interests and their related business affiliations such as Imagine Schools--one of the country's largest for-profit charter school management and over-sight companies. As Governor of Ohio, Kasich lifted the cap on the number of charter schools allowed to operate within the state, opening the door to corporate entities like Imagine Schools; corporate entities which were then placed in a position to usurp public school funding, leaving inner city school systems (i.e. Youngstown, OH) to be taken over by the state. This brand of private corporate encroachment upon public schools assigns CEO's in place of School superintendents and defaults curriculum decisions to what is essentially a corporate boardroom.
Consider the following: In Ohio the public school system educates more than 90 percent of school-age children; under the Kasich administration, more than $515 million in state funding has been removed from the budget of Ohio public schools. Charter school funding, under Kasich, has grown by more than 27 percent--in fact, more funds are spent on charter schools than on the entire public school system in Ohio. Which is curious when one realizes that nearly 25 percent of charter school funding goes to underperforming or poorly-rated charter schools operated by David Brennan and William Lager. Brennan and Lager, collectively have contributed in excess of $5.4million to Republican political candidates and Republican causes. (please reference innovationOhio.org as well as cnn.com, breitbart.com, washingtonpost.com and Mother Jones.)
In addition, John Kasich counts the likes of George Soros' Soros Fund Management as a major campaign contributor. (again, please reference cnn.com, breitbart.com, washingtonpost.com) Kasich, similar to Soros, espouses an open border policy for the US in addition to blanket amnesty for all illegal and/or undocumented individuals. No vetting. No follow-up. No close looks. No second looks. Simple universally applied amnesty with an open border. Kasich does a fantastic job of couching or even insinuating his true agenda amongst Golden Rule-type references while fondly repeating such phrases as ,"I will not take the low road in pursuit of the highest office in the land". Such sentiment is often employed by creatures of the body politic to distract and assuage any anxiety amongst the voting public. It's not unlike broadcasting the Super Bowl during a nuclear missile strike--the pollsters, pundits, advertisers and politicians are masters at manipulating priorities within the public conversation. They know in which direction they want us to look. And tonight in Ohio it happened again. Many hopeful, well-intentioned voters were caught admiring the pretty light show and all the corporate cut-outs while the American dream sat in the corner of the auditorium, silently weeping.

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